The other day I decided to take a
spontaneous trip to Bilbao. I wanted to go to Bilbao for several reasons, here
are but a few: it is only a one hour and half bus journey away; the Guggenheim
museum; and lastly I was told my aunt and uncle that the food there is
fantastic and a meal alone is worth a trip to this lovely city. And one this
particular Thursday, I wasn’t working. So, I thought why not? Why not spend the
day in Bilbao? And so I did. Unfortunately, this time round, I wasn’t able to
spend a lot of time in the city, as I had private classes in the evening. But,
I did have a perfect amount of time to visit the Guggenheim museum, have some
lunch and take a stroll through some beautiful gardens.
Moreover, outside you can also see the
‘puppy’ by Jeff Koons. This is probably one of the first pieces of the modern
art collection at the Guggenheim you will see, should you visit. It is hard to
miss – it is giant.
It was all rather fab but I have to admit
that I just do not ´get´ modern art sculptures. Unless these sculptures are
clearly of a person or a thing, I am lost. Even with a headset telling me how
this jagged angle represents the anger, and the window in the middle of what,
to me, was nothing more than a rock is purposely done to let all this light
through which is oh so moving, I still was just a bit like: who are you trying to
kid? A rock is a rock is a rock ... What this artist has effectively done is
reshaped the wheel! Made it worse even! To sum it up, modern art sculptures are
not for me. As you might have guessed, I breezed past them.
That isn´t to say I disliked all the
sculptures. I liked “Maman”: a 9 metre tall spider created by Louis Bourgeois. I
liked this as firstly I can see something in it (obvs, a spider) and I can see
the talent it takes to create such an art piece. I also like the background
behind it. It was dedicated to Bourgeois´ mother who worked as a weaver. The
spider, is also representative of maternity: a mother adopts a role of
being a predator, doing anything for her child but also the role of protector. Just
to be clear, I have regurgitated most of the info booklet ... I am not that
I also liked the ´tulips´ which sat outside
the museum created by the aforementioned Jeff Koons. I think there is a deeper meaning, and maybe
one day I will reflect on this and write a blog post on it. But for now, I
liked it because it was pretty and colourful.

When I finally left the museum, I was a bit
peckish so decided to grab something to eat. As much as I would have liked to,
I do not think I could afford a grand lunch in the restaurant, so I settled for
the bistro. And that was quite expensive already: I had a coke and a pincho
which amounted to 6 Euros. In Santander the same thing would have been less
than 4. That said, I do not regret anything because it was simply delicious.
This small snack of bread, ratatouille and anchovies was just incredible. I
really mean it: I think I would go back to have these pinchos alone. So, just
imagine what I full meal would be like?! I have a friend from home coming to
visit at the end of November, and I think we are going to spend a day in Bilbao
so maybe I could convince her to have a nice meal with me?
Another thing I hope to show said friend
when she comes to visit, is the parks and gardens. In particular, on the way to
and from the Guggenheim a lovely park which was quite magical with ponds and fountains scattered around. There is even a
fountain surround by grand archways and walking through them you do feel as if
you could be in a fantasy land.
Unfortunately I couldn’t spend too much
time in the fantasy land as I had to catch the bus back to Santander. Overall I
had such a lovely day, but I do know that I have to go back to see more of this
beautiful place. I did not see enough – we have time though. Like I said, it is
only and hour and a half away. Hasta luego.
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