So as anyone who starts off in a new
place, at any point in their lives, I am sure, worries about making
friends. I know I was worried, especially as I like people and I like
communication. Just two days without properly talking to anyone other
than my family was enough to make me go stir crazy. Fortunately, my
flatmates all returned from their pueblos and I was able to chat
(somewhat, of course – my Spanish skills are still limited).
Another flatmate moved in too! Lea – a French girl who is working
as a French language assistant, having already spent a year in
Valencia. I have to admit, it was nice to talk to Lea in particular,
only because we are in the same boat. So much so, that we were both
heading to the meeting organised by the ministry of education in
Cantabria that Wednesday of that week.
Now, some people might say this
meeting was boring and didn’t provide much information. I would
disagree. I think it was useful, not only because you are given
advice by previous language assistants and heads of education, but
also because you get a chance to meet other people in the same area
as you. I would always recommend attending these meetings if you can
– there is also a free lunch if that makes it any more enticing.
Lea and I
headed there together but soon we were split up into different
sections – French and English sections respectively. Now I have to
confess that I was a bit surprised by the lack of British people.
There were not actually many at all, or at least we were definitely
outnumbered by those from the USA or Canada. And that’s fine, I am
not criticising – it’s merely an observation. I just thought that
what with the British Council organising these placements, and uni
students taking a year abroad, that there would be a lot more Brits. Nay
bother, all the Americans and Canadians I met were lovely so …
In fact, after the meeting, a few of
us met up to ‘tomar una copa’ at a bar in the centre of the city. And it was lovely. Despite not having know each other previously, conversation never faltered and I must confess that it was nice to chat in English for a little while, you don´t have to think too much. Yes, I am here mainly to improve my Spanish skills and I try to chat in Spanish as much as I can, even with those whose native language is also english. But sometimes it can get tough and it is nice to take a small break. Hopefully by May it won´t ever be a problem and I will be able to speak Spanish easily and fluently.

Since that first night out, a few of us have remained in contact and been on some more outings and excursions.
It was particularly great, as my
miserable mood of feeling ‘alone’ was really quickly lifted and I
can quite honestly say that I haven’t felt a horrible homesickness
yet. I am missing people for sure, but that terrible feeling you get
in your stomach and you just can’t do anything else but think about
home, I am fortunate to say, hasn’t hit me. Instead, I am really
enjoying my time here ^_^ It is amazing what simply being around
people can do. If anyone if thinking/worrying about their own year
abroad, really try to relax about the whole thing! Just take every
opportunity you can, especially in those first few days, to talk to
anyone and everyone! Try to say yes to everything – I mean if you
really don’t want to do something, of course don’t do it, but you
will be surprised how quickly friendships do build. Believe or not,
there are people in the same situation as you, feeling the same thing
and wanting to build friendships ASAP. It will happen as long as you
So, to sum up this blog post … I
have friends. Yay.
Hasta luego
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